The Venice Biennale’s 58th International Art Exhibition

Every two years much of the art world congregates in Venice for what should, in theory, be a relic from another age: Dozens of countries fill their pavilions in the city’s formal gardens with contemporary art that establishes some approximation of national prestige. The show is augmented by a colossal exhibition in the Arsenale, a warehouse nearby, which this year will be curated by the director of London’s Hayward Gallery, Ralph Rugoff. The whole thing should feel antiquated—a sort of “World’s Fair” style get-together for the culturally minded—but as geopolitics threaten to devolve into a midcentury freeze, the biennial has suddenly taken on a genuine urgency. Culture, in a turn that’s surprised more than a few people, is back on the global forefront for the first time since the 1950s.The Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy.

Biennale Arte 2019
May You Live In Interesting Times
11 May > 24 November 2019
closed on Mondays (except 13 May, 2 September, 18 November)

Giardini: open 10 am to 6 pm
Arsenale: open 10 am to 6 pm
Arsenale: on Fridays and Saturdays, until 5 October, open 10 am to 8 pm

Forte Marghera:
7 May > 6 October 2019, open 1 pm to 9 pm
closed on Mondays

Plus tickets entitle to multiple visits for 3 consecutive days to each exhibition venue (Giardini and Arsenale; closing days excluded).
Regular tickets are valid for one admission to each exhibition venue.
Accreditation grants unrestricted admission to each exhibition venue.
Online purchase: visitors may print their tickets choosing the Print@Home option, or display tickets on their smartphones at the entrance gates.

Full price € 35
Students and/or under 26  € 25
*a valid ID is required to buy and use these tickets.

Full price € 25
Reduced price € 22 (Aci, Coop, CTS, Fai, Touring Club, CinemaPiù, VeneziaUnica City pass (services purchase order), Rolling Venice Card, Carta Giovani, Ance - Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili, CNI - Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri, IN/ARCH - Istituto Nazionale di Architettura, INU - Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, Venezia FC, CartaFRECCIA members with Trenitalia Frecciargento / Frecciabianca / Frecciarossa tickets destination Venice (earlier 3 days max), holders of regional Trenitalia subscriptions Veneto or Friuli Venezia Giulia (monthly and annual)
Reduced price € 20 (over 65, military officers, Venice residents, visitors holding a ticket of Biennale Dance, Theatre or Music Festivals and 76th Venice Film Festival subscriptions holders)
Students and/or Under 26 € 16 (with a valid student ID or student card)
Formula 3*  € 48 (3 visitors, at least 1 of them under 16 + € 16 for any additional visitor under 16 years of age). *Not available online; to be purchased at the exhibition’s ticket offices.

Adult groups € 18*
Student groups: Universities € 15*
Student groups: Secondary Schools € 10*
*(min. 10 persons, students + teachers)

buy ticket via credit card: here
buy ticket via transfer: here *Requests must be sent at least 10 days prior to visit

Full price € 85
Reduced price € 50 (for Venice residents)
Students and/or under 26  € 45 (with a valid student ID or student card)
One week  € 45 (valid for 7 consecutive days from validation date – closing days excluded)
*Accreditation tickets are strictly personal and a valid ID is required to purchase and use them.

Until 6 years of age (included); adults accompanying disabled visitors holding a disability ID; nursery schools, elementary schools and junior high schools, participating in educational activities.

Guided tours, theoretical and practical thematic-educational itineraries, laboratories and creative workshops. Available in Italian and in several other languages. Average duration 1 hour 45’ / 2 hours. Reservation and payment in advance are required. The service is fee-paying, entry ticket not included.

Adults 1 venue € 90 – 2 venues € 150
Universities 1 venue € 70 – 2 venues € 120
High schools 1 venue € 60 – 2 venues € 100
Elementary and Junior High schools 1 venue € 60
Nursery schools 1 venue € 50
Creative workshops for families Fee per child 1 venue € 5
Book your ticket + tour: here

GUIDED TOURS WITHOUT RESERVATION (for individual visitors)
Guided tours in Italian or in English
Giardini venue (11 am) and Arsenale venue (2 pm): € 7 per venue.
Buy your tour: here

Bar, restaurants, bookshop, info-point, free cloakroom.
Small to medium-size pets on a leash are admitted to the Giardini green area.

Giardini: changing table.
Arsenale: changing table, free stroller rental, family lounge.

A free supervised cloackroom for small bags, umbrellas, daypacks or school backpacks is available. No storage facilities for travel luggage.

Tel. +39 041 5218 828
Tel. (info for schools) +39 041 5218 731
(Monday to Friday 10 am - 1:30 pm / 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm; Saturday 10 am - 1:30 pm)

La Biennale di Venezia:
Giardini and Arsenale, 10 am - 5:30 pm
Arsenale venue: on Fridays and Saturdays until 5 October open until 7:30 pm
Arsenale Nord, 11 am - 4 pm
Ca’ Giustinian, San Marco 1364/A, from Tuesday to Sunday 10 am - 5 pm

VeneziaUnica: Tronchetto, Piazzale Roma, Ferrovia, Rialto, San Marco, Lido, Mestre.

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