Semarang International Illustration Festival 2019

Semarang International Illustration Festival

Semarang International Illustration Festival (SIIF) is a biennial event that showcases the best illustrator artworks from across countries.The first Semarang International Illustration Festival was held in 2017. Through this event, the committee has successfully gathered more than 100 illustrators from 18 countries to participate as contributors to this exhibition. The exhibition have received positive response from various parties, both from practitioners, academics, students and the government.

In 2019 this event will be held again by Visual Arts Department Universitas Negeri Semarang - Indonesia. The main theme of SIIF 2019 is "eARThvironment". Through this editorial, we invite illustrators to respond to environmental issues that threaten the sustainability of human life in the future. The changes that occur in the relationship between humans and environment can be seen from the complexity of the problems that arise; the population explosion, inadequate integration between the dominance of technology with environmental needs, the destruction of cultivation land, and the increasing danger of extinction of animals and plants. Through this event, we invite illustrators to convey messages, hopes, choices, and efforts to support the continuation of a good life on earth. Not only express it into illustration artworks from an environmental point of view, but also from a social and cultural point of view.

- SIIF 2019 is open for public
- The participation is free of charge
- Participants may submit more than one artwork
- Participants agree to the terms and conditions established by SIIF 2019 - committee

-Works are created by the participants (Copyright is owned by the participants) and there is no copyright infringement on the work
-Works submitted in (JPG / PNG with a minimum resolution of 2400x3600 pixels, landscape / portrait format)
-The submitted work does not contain of pornographic and race issues
-To upload the work, participants may use the form provided by the website or send via committee email
-The work comes with the name of the illustrator, and the description of the work

-Artworks accepted before Aug 15, 2019
-The artwork will go through the curation process
-Commitee decissions are inviolable
-The artwork copyright remains on illustrator
-The committee only display the artwork during exhibition and not entitled to commercialize the work in any form

Artwork presentation
-Artwork will be printed in 16.5x23,4" (A2) by the committee
-Selected works will be showcased in SIIF 2019 (August 27 - Sept 5, 2019)
-Each selected work will be featured in the SIIF 2019 catalog in digital format (with ISBN)

Contact Us for Details!
Gallery B9 Art Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
if you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us
(+62)818 0515 6852

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